Amazing mind power revolution
Food For The Mind and Fire For The Soul!

If you want to transform your life in a few swift strokes (well, 11 hours of audios) this is the page you need to read

The start of an immense program of life change mental skills and science that you will NEVER find elsewhere.

dr keith portrait

From the desk of Keith Scott-Mumby

Aka. "The Renegade Guru"

New Thought Horizons Part 1, a 10-part audio and written series by a master of human insight, is a major contribution to advanced psychology. You can be the first to ramp up a notch the way you think, talk and feel!

It doesn't focus on how people DO think; it lays out how people SHOULD think!

But it doesn't stop there. As well as the audio series and book (downloadable or hard copies, you choose), there is an amazing online thought and emotion processor that is unlike anything you have ever seen before. More of that later…

What's in this ground-breaking series of audios?

I thought you would ask that. Well, the FULL answer is in the transcripts you get.

But here's a thumbnail of each talk and what it can do for you:

New Thought Horizons

1. Five Dimensions of Happiness

How would you break apart happiness? What categories would you give it? Well, I've chosen five key happiness domains to talk about. It's not all going to be just about getting rich, that's for sure. Happiness is very much about balance. Real happiness includes health in mind and body; health in love and romance; health in your network and relationships and, of course, satisfaction in what you do.

2. The Logic Of Love

Love is often thought of as the "soft option". It's for pussycats, whereas the "real" world will only surrender to hard-driving, emotionless people.

Nothing could be further from the truth! Love is a complete logic system in itself, that defines who and what we are. Love and cherishment is the ONLY path to real success. Otherwise, whatever life brings will seem empty and hollow.

But love is even more logical than that. In this day and age of computers, blogs, Facebook and so-called social networking, the worth and quality of your network is a vital factor in happiness and success. And YES, I do include financial achievement too. Those who are loved by the most people have the most power and the most reach. The days of Genghis Khan management are over!

3. The Emotional Ladder.

This is a completely new look at emotions, giving them a hierarchical structure (meaning a sequence and priority). Hence the term ladder.

You will learn how to recognize the transition of emotions from one level to another and this will give you a powerful insight into why people think and behave as they do.

What lies at the top of the ladder? What is the most sublime emotion? Write down your answer and then compare it with the top of my "ladder of emotions"!

4. The Anatomy Of Relationships.

The key concept for this structure is that we are in a relationship with EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE. There are good or bad relationships, but there is no such thing as a non-relationship (unless you are dead, though there is still a vestige of connection, even then).

This talk includes further exposition of the function of my Scale Of Love and Connectedness. If Leo Buscaglia (bless him) had had the science of a real thought structure like this, he could have made his impact even greater than just hugging people and making them feel fuzzy and warm!

5. The Magic Of Communication

Communication is so all-embracing and powerful, it literally gives us our Being. Think about it: if we did not communicate, nobody would know we were there. We would cease to BE!

But few people realize how vast the range of our communications can be; even a bullet is a kind of communication. Everything from violence to a loving touch is considered here in this talk. This is about the structure of communication, not just theories. It's what we DO with it that counts.

Did you know you can tell from the way a person is speaking how bad their state of mind is? You can do this with a stopwatch, without listening to a single word. True!

6. Your R-Zones!

No, not erogenous zones or even Wayne Dyer's erroneous zones! R stands for responsibility.

This is a 12-part structure you will enjoy learning and using. It will remove all confusion from issues like right and wrong; good or bad.

More importantly, it will help to bring your life fully into balance with your surroundings, your loved ones, the community and your part in the vast panoply of the Cosmos. Yes, it's THAT big a thought structure!

7. Your Highest and Best Self

Originally published as the "optimum individual". Some controversial characters are drawn in by me, while I talk about what we could be, if we were at our best.

See, conventional psychology and academic learning really only studies what people are like; what is average for skills, thoughts and behavior.

Here I take on a whole different question: what are human beings capable of at their very best? To me that's far more worthwhile than studying just average.

8. Acceptance as a Tool

I'm going to share something big with you on this one:

What is the number #1 rule for happy living?

What is the number #2 rule for happy living (it follows from #1)?

Acceptance is the opposite of resistance. We resist most things most of the time. Stress is resistance. If we could learn to accept more (without giving up the desire to change things for the better), we could relax and live longer, yet have more energy to tackle what really needs fixing.

9. Honesty, Lies and Truth

One of the biggest myths in life is that being honest is just for the wimps and fancy-nancies. It's often assumed that honesty is the first thing to let go of when the going gets tough.

The truth is the opposite. That honesty and integrity is the very bedrock of everything upon which you build your life.

I'll share with you that lying is just fear in disguise.

There is also a shocking truth to face: over 95% of women admit they lie to their partners on a regular basis. These are the answers the women gave; not something from a male chauvinist pig! Men supposedly lie less but maybe they were not as honest as the women when they answered the survey!!

10. Power Logic For You

This last track is the latest incarnation of a talk I first gave in a barn in Manchester, UK, in 1972! The journalist who was sent to cover it expected something boring because of the title "Infinity-Valued Logic". He was blown away and said so in his write up!

The truth is: this is one of the most powerful tools of logic I know. It completely replaces the old world of Aristotle and the right-wrong, good-bad, happy-sad kind of lame thinking we call dichotomies.

With this new thinking structure I so much want you to have, the world changes forever. Nothing is good or evil any more but you can re-cast your thoughts in terms of better or worse.

It's really about teeny changes in status and how they mount up. I show you how one great general in history (ancient Rome) used this kind of logic to literally move mountains in his path (well, giant boulders!)

It carries hope for Mankind because even if we just step a little towards the good and the light, everything gets better by one small degree!

All these tracks come with a downloadable set of written transcripts. Workbooks will follow, for all those who join this program.

These Are True "Structures Of Thought"

You need them as we move into a new and uncertain age.

What do I mean buy a "thought structure"? Any framework which lays out thinking more clearly and more usefully is a thought structure.

A plan, with several steps, is a kind of simple thought structure.

Stephen Covey's famous "four quadrants" from his book The Seven Habits Of Highly Successful People (urgent and important, urgent but not important, not urgent but important and not urgent and not important) is a useful structure for business people.

If you think of your work in those ways and lay it out, it makes it easier to think and make decisions.

My thought structures are not about business. They are much more basic than that. This series (series #1) is about key mechanics of life, relationships and action. There are many more layers to follow but this is a GREAT start!

Remember: It's no longer a case of survival of the fittest but "survival of the smartest". This first course in a series of several will start you off in the direction of power logic and a new level of human thought evolution.

The more you know of mind and logic basics and effective action, the more you will win in the days to come.

Why I Chose The Membership Plan

(it's better for you)

After careful thought, I decided to go for the membership idea. There is simply so much stuff to share with you that it's frankly far easier to just keep posting it in the member's area!

It will not be a monthly renewable membership at this stage: just a one-off, to get you into the goody bag! So for just one payment, you get EVERYTHING!

One of the advantages of doing that is that I am able to offer you an amazing inter-active webpage that will "process" thoughts and emotions. Sounds crazy but it's true.

Back when I lived in Spain I ran this process on a person, sitting in a coffee bar in Granada (after the Alhambra tour!) It was a guy having trouble with money. We ran what I have called the Core Issues Peace Process and he came to realize something very interesting indeed: because of his poor financial condition he had been saying to creditors "Go ahead, sue me! I have no money. You are wasting your time!"

Nobody had sued him, years had gone by, and he had developed the strong belief that this was a safe position to be in. He had learned to be scared of more wealth, because then it WOULD BE worth suing him! As soon as the process dug out this buried destructive belief he felt enormous relief and realized that was hold him back financially.

That night, when he went home to Marbella, there was a gleaming silver Mercedes-Benz saloon for sale at a ridiculous price RIGHT OUTSIDE HIS OWN APARTMENT, LIKE IT WAS PARKED THERE FOR HIM! (the owner was German, had driven it down to Spain, and wanted to leave it behind).

The guy bought it and started his rapid road to financial recovery. Today that guy is looking at $250,000 a year and more.

That very process, called "The Core Issues Peace Process", is available to you, both as a book and an online process, through a script called "Finding Inner Peace". A simple short copy of it, with only a little explanation, is available in the FREE STUFF area, under the title "Core Issues Handling".

What you get as a member is far more. You get a much-expanded book, with the background and a fuller set of instructions. But you can also access a unique interactive webpage that will guide you through the stages of de-cluttering and finding true inner peace.


CD set delivered to your door

If you'd like the whole of this amazing in-depth series as a set of CDs, you can order the $99 package, which gives you the same access to the member's area, with all the extra material, the same audio podcast downloads, the same transcripts PLUS an attractive set of 10 CDs delivered right to your door, in their own case.

That way you can listen in the car, on the move (or not on the move, if you are in a traffic jam!) For just $50 extra, you get 10 CDs. That's only $5 a CD. Good value!


Now for the extras!

Just for joining the program, you get a lot of extra goodies, some now and some in the next 4 weeks.

The most important and valuable addition to the audios and transcripts is the access to the Finding Inner Peace Program I mentioned earlier.

It deals with a person's issues at 2 levels (an issue means an undesirable condition, emotion, illness or circumstance etc.):

You have to then decide if the issue is primarily from EXPERIENCE or primarily from BELIEFS.

The EXPERIENCE-BASED procedure is broken down into releasing destructive energy flows from self to others, others to self and others to others. There is also a "boomerang" element (self to self, others to themselves).

The BELIEFS/DECISIONS-BASED procedure is different. You do both, I should say; it depends on what comes up. With decisions, it is a question of contrast and comparison, valuing and weighing decisions and beliefs, until you learn to toss the ones which are of negative worth.

But beware! This powerful process will put you deliberately in front of your worst fears and most horrible nightmares! No need to worry though. I provide you with all the tools you need. And subsequent teleclasses to teach you the mastery of it.

It's called "Finding Inner Peace" because, if you think about it, that's what taking out the past and breaking its hold means. For many of you, it will be a great time of release; maybe the first of such experiences. It can happen. Trust me!

Security: Nothing is stored on any remote website. All your answers are stored only on your own computer. I promise you it is private (special script).

Get this: the research and knowledge which went into developing the "Finding Inner Peace Process" means I could sell this package alone for $100, $200, $500 dollars, once accompanied by full manuals and training videos. Teaching people as coaches will be a $5,000 week-long seminar.

You will do very well here, because it will be 6 months or more before it's possible for me to separate it out. Meantime, I want you to have the technique.


Yes, of course there is a guarantee. 60 days money-back, no questions. If you bought the CD set, you must return in them in marketable condition, that's all. If it's downloads-only, you can keep 'em.

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Get Your Discount Membership NOW!

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Permanent access to member's area, all downloads, bonuses and extras...

$97 once only payment


Start Teaching and Earning In Your Spare Time

One More Thing

Something else about this package and the way I teach: you can use these valuable and unusual materials for coaching others. In fact I encourage it!

You won't find gurus offering or encouraging this; they want everybody to pay THEM to get the materials. I just want this stuff out there, starting to make changes in peoples' lives. You can help me do that.

I'll be giving YOU coaching sessions, in the members; area, showing you how to become fantastically valuable and adept member of the community, who changes lives and gets things done. Between the first 3 parts (this is Part 1), you will develop a fantastic range of mind change sets and learn how to use them.


Affiliate Commissions

And another thing to encourage you to share. There are decent commissions to be made. Some of you will know these are usually called "affiliate commissions" in Web marketing. It's a normal thing; it's not making money off your friends.

It is definitely NOT multi-level, or anything like that. But I shall be giving out up to 75% of enrollments as commissions, sharing this with YOU, so you can pay for more super-study materials in the Masterclass series.

Just introducing a friend, if he or she likes it, will drop your outlay for the materials by half or more. Introduce a couple and you have a free ride.

(all this is explained in the members' area).


So, what are you waiting for?

It's not expensive, you can earn your money back, you can use the coaching materials to help others and get paid for doing that.

You can be a hero or heroine. Swooping in like Superman to put things right, and be rewarded with no expensive and time-consuming study programs, like learning to be an NLP therapist/trainer. You'll be Superneighbor!

Just remember, it is not all in the first section and you won't be disappointed, I'm sure.

I have had great pleasure recording these tracks and compiling the additional materials you have available in the members' area.

What I want you to do now is decide which of the two packages you want: the $97 (recommended) or the $47. Decide NOW!

Permanent access to member's area, all downloads, bonuses and extras...

$97 once only payment


See you on the inside!

Sincerely, Prof.

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